MOCKA (Large-scale experiments on molten corium concrete interaction)
- to investigate the corium/concrete interaction in an anticipated core melt accident in LWRs, after the metal melt is layered beneath the oxide melt
- cavity formation in the basement and the risk of a long-term basement penetration by the metallic part of the melt
- Different types of concrete: siliceous, siliceous/limestone, limestone and basaltic
- With and without reinforced concrete
MOCKA 2.1 Versuch mit 3200 kg Schmelze | Rebars construction in the concreate |
Silicious concreate: without rebars | with rebar |
Selected Publications
Foit, J. (2015). MCCI on LCS concrete with and without rebars. Paper presented at the ERMSAR 2015, Merseille, France.
Foit, J. J. (2010). Overview of Large Scale Metallic Melt-Concrete Interaction Experiments. Paper presented at the ERMSAR 2010, Bologna, Italy.
Foit, J. J., Fischer, M., Journeau, C., & Langrock, G. (2014). Experiments on MCCI with oxide and steel. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 74, 100-109. doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2014.06.025
Miassoedov, A., Foit, J., & Cron, T. (2014). MOCKA Experiments on MCCI of Metal and Oxide Melt with Siliceous Concrete. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 111, 979-981.