System Analysis Code: ATHLET-MF
The system analysis code ATHLET-MF, which is developed by the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe based on the ATHLET code of the Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), is applicable to multi-fluids nuclear systems.
Main features:
- 1-dimensional, incompressible fluids with volumetric heat source
- Multi-fluid systems with thermal coupling
- General control simulation modules
- Option of user specified thermal-physical properties and physical models
- Separation of physical models from numerical methods
Main applications:
- Cooling system of spallation targets, e.g. XADS
- Analysis of MEGAPIE out-of-pile integral tests MITS
- Design analysis of ADS cooling systems
The ATHLET-MF has been applied to the cooling systems of various spallation targets, such as the target of the European experimental ADS (XADS). Figure 1 shows the transient behavior of LBE mass flow rate and temperature under start-up conditions.
Figure 1: Results of a start-up transient
Main references
- ATHLET User’s Manual, GRS, September 2001
- H.Y. Chen, X. Cheng, H.J. Neitzel, Application of ATHLET Code to Heavy liquid Metal Cooled Systems, Annual Meeting on Nucl. Tech. 2004, Dusseldorf, Germany, May 25-27, 2004