KIT and Buenos Aires Institute of Technology (ITBA, Argentina) offer since 2015 the Double master programme in Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Environment. With this programme, KIT master students have the opportunity to study one semester in Argentina and acquire two master diplomas. Additionally, students are offered the option to complete the required master thesis also in Argentina, by extending their stay for another semester.

The programme is imparted in cooperation with ITBA, a leading engineering university in South America, with more than 60 years of history and located in the heart of Buenos Aires. The University specializes in engineering, technology and management, and is mainly characterised for its strong bonds with companies and organizations.

The programme is aimed for students with an energy technology profile taking the master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. It is an exchange kind of programme, thus a group of Argentinian students travel every Summer Semester as well to complete their master at KIT.

Language: Acquire Spanish language skills by being immersed in one of the biggest and most important Spanish-speaking cities of Latin America.

Culture: Experience a completely different and unique country, with its rich traditions and distinct way of living. Study in a new academic system.

Teaching: Be part of a small group of students (4 to 6 people) taking the program at ITBA. The reduced number of participants allows for the best learning experience characterized by personalized communication with the professors. The program also features several visits to energy - related companies and organizations in different parts of the country, allowing you to become familiar with real working environments.

Develop your personality: Living in another country and adapting to a new culture will nurture your life experience and definitely make your personality evolve and further develop, in ways that one cannot even imagine.

Intercultural competence: In today's job market, being able to easily interact with people from other cultures is becoming crucial. It definitely is an advantageous feature that is well taken into account by organizations among candidates.

Two Degrees: In addition to KIT’s master degree, you achieve ITBA’s Master degree in Energy and Environment.

The semester abroad is intended to be taken during Germany’s Summer Semester, which corresponds to the first semester of the Argentinian university calendar (from March to July). The semester abroad is designed to fit as the third master semester, but attending in the second or fourth master semester is also possible. While with optimal arrangement of courses it is possible to obtain both degrees within four semesters of study, most participants take an additional semester to complete all requirements of both degrees.

After the semester at ITBA, the student completes the degree with the master thesis, which can either be done in Argentina or at KIT and has to be written in English on a topic related to Energy and Environment.

The courses at ITBA are taught in English and in Spanish, while most of the technical visits are guided in Spanish. Even though there is no restriction on a specific Spanish level needed to apply to the program, the students are intended to take part in KIT’s Spanish course prior to traveling. Once in Argentina, they also must attend an intensive Spanish course.

KIT students that take part in the program receive funding from CUAA-DAHZ (Deutsch Argentinisches Hochschulzentrum (DAHZ) through DAAD. The financing covers the following points:

  • Flight expenses: €1500
  • Scholarship covering living expenses in Argentina: €1075 /month for 6 months.
  • Spanish course in Sprachenzentrum KIT.

The program directors are Prof. Daniel Banuti (ITES – KIT) and Dra.-Ing. Cecilia Smoglie (ITBA). The administration and assistance of the program are managed by Dr. Ferdinand Schmidt (IATF – KIT).

If you are interested in applying to the program, you should contact Dr. F. Schmidt for further information and application process.

Furthermore, you can find more information about ITBA at its website:

Since the participants travel to Argentina in April, the application deadline normally is 1st of November of the previous year. The admission is decided within the four following weeks, and the total number of students joining the programme each year is limited to 6 people. In 2024, die application deadline has been extended until 19th of November.

To apply, you will be required the following documents:

  1. Letter of Application stating your motivation and background.
  2. Up-to-date transcript of records from KIT. If less than 30 credits have been obtained within the master programme, please include transcript of records from Bachelor degree.
  3. CV (single page suffices).
  4. Copy of Passport.